Knowledge Hub

Dark background with some green and white visual effects. In the middle is a mockup of the fraud0 dashboard.


How fraud0 works
Discover how to detect bots, combat ad fraud, and optimize your campaigns. Explore onsite and in-ad solutions for actionable insights.
Learn more
The picture shows the cover of the report "Unmasking the Shadows: Invalid Traffic 2024". At the bottom there is the Call-to-Action "Free Download"


Unmasking the Shadows: Invalid Traffic 2024
Smartphone auf welchem die TikTok App auf dem Homescreen im Fokus steht


TikTok’s massive problem with bots, fake accounts and scam
Screenshot of the fraud0 and Usercentrics integration


fraud0 & Usercentrics: Bot-free CMP statistics for everyone
Cover of the report "Unmasking the Shadows: Invalid Traffic 2024"
Whitepaper - BFCM 2023 - EN Cover

Webinars & Videos

Thumbnail showing the title of the webinar and the speakers
Thumbnail showing the title of the webinar and the speakers
Thumbnail of the keynote: Digital Ad Fraud Light at the End of the Tunnel

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