fraud0 Solutions for Web Analysts

Find out how our software can improve your daily analytics work and save you valuable time and money.
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0 %
of global traffic originates from bots
0 %
of companies are targeted daily by bots
0 %
of revenue is lost due to bot attacks

aggregated data eMarketer, WSJ, Group M, Juniper Research, Dr. Augustine Fou,

Invalid Traffic Contaminates Your Data and Analytics

Skewed Data

Invalid traffic skews your performance data, analytics and KPIs, giving you a false impression of your marketing and business performance.

Wrong Decisions

Skewed data clouds customer insights and organizational decision making. It affects budget planning, forecasting, funnel optimization and many more decisions.

Limited Insights

In addition to skewed data, you only get insights into a limited portion of your traffic, because legacy analytics tools require consent first.

Fake Optimization

Ad tech algorithms tend to favor ad campaigns that have high click-through rates. However, if these clicks come from bots, your spend on unwanted traffic will gradually increase.

Fake Leads

Bots can easily fill out forms. The result: fake leads in your CRM that cause headaches for your sales team and may even cause compliance issue for you.

Fake CMP Stats

Bots screw your consent statistic – one of the most important metrics for Online Marketers. The average opt-in rate across industries is 60.1%. What would your real human consent look like?

Protect Your Data from Bots and Make Smarter Data-Driven Decisions

Real Data

Reliably and automatically exclude invalid and fraudulent traffic from your data. Get insights into your true marketing and business performance.

Real Decisions

Prioritize real human users in your decisions. Make the right decisions based on reliable data, real user signals, and a data base you can trust.

Holistic Insights

Get a comprehensive overview of all your traffic. Identify invalid traffic instantly and understand where it comes from. The measurement is fully compliant with the GDPR.

Real Optimization

Get insights on 100% of your traffic and detect fake traffic at a glance with our analytics suite. Make important decisions based on real, verified data.

Real Leads

Relieve your sales teams by enriching your CRM with information on whether a contact form was sent by a real person or a bot. Work only with data of verified human users in your CRM.

Real CMP Stats

Protect your analytics data from invalid traffic. In partnership with Usercentrics, we provide bot-free consent data.

Protect Your Data and Analytics From Bots and Invalid Traffic

Take back control over your data and try fraud0.

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